Digital Content Awareness for the Modern Family

The Good News

#1: Digital Content Awareness for the Modern Family

We welcome you to the first "Fregn" from The Good Viking. Today, we are sailing into the choppy waters of elicit content, exploring its potential dangers to kids and young adults. Our aim is to help you, our fellow Vikings, understand how you can protect your little ones and navigate the ever-evolving world of technology.

⚔️ The Battle Against Elicit Content ⚔️
Elicit content has become a growing concern, especially for parents. With the increasing accessibility of smartphones, tablets, and other devices, youth are exposed to inappropriate material, such as explicit images, videos, cyber bullying and more. These exposures can have a significant impact on their mental and emotional well-being.

🧠 The Impact on Young Minds 🧠
Exposure to elicit content at an early age can lead to:

  1. Distorted views of relationships and intimacy

  2. Increased aggression and negative attitudes towards others

  3. Early exposure to adult themes and situations, leading to premature maturity

  4. Lower self-esteem and body image issues

  5. Anxiety, depression, and addiction-related problems

🛡️ How Can We Protect Our Children? 🛡️
As parents, guardians, and mentors, it is our responsibility to safeguard our young ones from the harmful effects of elicit content. Here are some strategies to help you in this quest:

  1. Communication: Open and honest conversations about the potential dangers of elicit content can help kids understand its negative impact.

  2. Parental Controls: Use built-in parental control features on devices to block explicit content and limit access to age-appropriate material. These features are most likely already available in the technology you and your kids use every day.

  3. Educate: Teach kids how to identify and report inappropriate content, and encourage them to talk to you when they encounter it.

  4. Monitor: Regularly check their devices and online activities to ensure they are using technology responsibly.

📚 Trusted Resources for Parents and Kids 📚
To further support you in your journey, we have compiled a list of valuable resources that we hope will benefit you and your family.

  1. Common Sense Media ( - Offers reviews, age ratings, and advice on movies, games, apps, books and more to help parents make informed decisions about what's right for their kids.

  2. Plugged In ( - A service by Focus on the Family, Plugged In provides reviews and age-appropriate ratings for movies, music, video games, and more, taking into consideration their themes, content, and overall impact on children and families.

  3. Safe, Smart & Social ( - Offers resources, webinars, and workshops for parents, educators, and students to promote digital citizenship and responsible technology use.

May the winds be ever in your favor, and your path be guided by the wisdom of the Creator.